This is an age where representation matters.

Family Nurse Practitioners perform crucial roles across healthcare.  As highly-trained providers, you deliver significant value to the healthcare system overall and to your practice in particular.  Yet, for all of your abilities and contributions, you are not represented in policy decisions made about your profession.  Major decisions are being made about the practice and training of FNPs without FNP representation.  Make no mistake, all of the other NP specializations are represented, so why not FNPs?

How much time do you have in your day to take on the major challenges of the FNP profession? If you are like most FNPs, you don't get time to conduct scholarship, attend a professional conference or even to eat lunch, so there's just not time for taking on 'the system.' 

What would happen if there was an organization that worked to coordinate the individual contributions of many FNPs, each contributing according to their abilities and time?  With all of the experience, insight and passion each FNP brings to their role, this group would offer massive capabilities to drive change. 

That's why we're here.

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Nominate an extraordinary FNP for 'Star FNP of the Month!'

Family Nurse Practitioners make amazing contributions across the healthcare spectrum.  Tell us about the significant contributions an FNP in your orbit has made, whether to patients, staff, students, scholarship, industry or community.  Please share these remarkable accomplishments with us through the form below.  Your submission may appear on our website, in a newsletter, or in another format.  Thank you for your contributions!

Nominate an FNP

Get involved with NAFNP

As a brand new association, NAFNP needs your insight and input!  To date, we have built the skeleton and some organs for this new body.  You can give it muscle and flesh.  You can help it move forward with your ideas, energy and input.  Click below to register for available volunteer opportunities.  Have an idea you don't see listed? Use the 'Volunteer Interest Detail' field to tell us about your idea.  

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